Worship is more than just what we do on Sunday mornings
Our entire lives are an opportunity to worship God (Romans 12). While our worship isn’t restricted to the confines of a certain time or place, we are called to worship corporately as a local part of the global Church, so that together we might reflect God’s grace, strengthen fellow believers, and proclaim the truth of the Gospel to those who seek (Hebrews 10:25).
Gospel focus
At Northside, our desire is to help people focus their hearts and minds on worshipping God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), through a Gospel-centered service that evokes authentic praise, reverence, and joy.
To that end, we prepare worship services that consistently present the truths of the Gospel through the following fundamentals:
Adoration: Rejoicing in who God is and what He’s done; specifically centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Confession: Recognizing our state as sinful people before a holy and righteous God; and the assurance of Christ’s work for those in Him.
Edification: Spending time in fellowship as we pray, sing, read, and recite biblical truths.
Instruction: The expositional preaching of the Bible, the living and active Word of God.
Response: In light of God’s grace, we should live for His glory, in all that we think, say, and do.
Cultural context

We utilize a blended approach to corporate worship, which unites our vibrant faith today with the richness of Christian tradition. In our services we draw on a variety of liturgical elements, without it leading to formalism, while enjoying the freedom to integrate new expressions of biblical faith as we sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to glorify God and edify each other (Colossians 3:16).
Check out our Spotify playlist (updated weekly)
Get involved

There are many opportunities for serving in the worship ministry, including: vocalists, instrumentalists, A/V operators, scripture readers, equipment maintenance, creative arts, and aesthetic design. If you’d like additional information please contact our interim Worship Director Dr. Hugh Davis.