Congregational Care

The purpose of the Congregational Care Ministry is to be aware of and help meet specific needs of our congregation. We want to provide an avenue for people coming to Northside to find help and comfort in whatever area of need that might come about in their lives.

In meeting needs, our focus is on setting up a home meal schedule when folks are experiencing illness, coming home from hospitalization, funerals and baby births. We have care groups organized to make weekly contact with those with disabilities. Our responsibilities include such things as hospital and home visitation, cards, notes and phone calls of encouragement and congregational awareness of our “away from home college students.” We work closely with our Mercy Team in spearheading outreach events when there is a specific need.

Congregational Care also oversees the smooth running of our nursery for Sunday School and Worship. We have developed guidelines for Weddings and Funerals held at Northside Church. We have collected brochures and research materials that provide resources to the community such as divorce recovery, grief counseling, AA and senior care ministry. These resources can be found in our church library and in our Welcome Center.

If you need additional information about Congregational Care ministries, or would like to be a part of our team in providing outreach and meeting needs of the congregation, please contact the Congregational Care Committee using the form below